
Просмотр записей от Антон Коврижных

Набор на подготовительные курсы ИМКН 2017

Написал(а): Антон Коврижных 7 лет, 6 месяцев ago

Институт математики и компьютерных наук УРФУ проводит набор на подготовительные курсы по следующим предметам:

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Поступающим в магистратуру ИМКН

Написал(а): Антон Коврижных 8 лет, 8 месяцев ago

Расписание семинара-практикума для абитуриентов магистратуры ИМКН опубликовано в разделе Будующeму магистранту

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Требования к выпускным квалификационным работам

Написал(а): Антон Коврижных 8 лет, 10 месяцев ago

Требования к выпускным квалификационным работам опубликованы в разделе ГОСы

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Лекции: Романовский В.Г (Университет города Марибора, Словения)

Написал(а): Антон Коврижных 8 лет, 10 месяцев ago

Романовский Валерий Георгиевич,
Университет города Марибора (Словения).
 Тематика лекций:

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Кильский университет приглашает поучиться/поработать на 3 года:

Написал(а): Антон Коврижных 8 лет, 12 месяцев ago

Two PhD student / PostDoc positions for software verification

Kiel University is Germany's northernmost State University and a scientific centre of northern Germany. It was founded in 1665, and today assembles more than 24,000 students and about 2,000 scientists in eight faculties.

We are looking for talented research-oriented people who are interested in research on software verification.  A successful candidate should have or be on track for a Master degree in Computer Science with a high degree.  A PhD in Computer Science is required for a PostDoc employment.  A solid knowledge in at least two of the following areas is expected: abstract interpretation, model checking, constraint solving, parallel algorithms.  Experience in programming highly parallel machines would be of an advantage, but is not mandatory.  The positions are connected to projects funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research for up to 3 years.  The positions will involve the cooperation with other groups both in academic and industrial (mainly automotive) environments.

We expect the candidates to be fluent in English both in speaking and writing. Good knowledge of German is preferable but not mandatory.

The Kiel University is an equal opportunity employer. The positions will be associated to the Dependable Systems group in the Institute of Computer Science; see zs.uni-kiel.de.  We are an international, young, and expanding group with research interests ranging from theoretical Computer Science to the application of formal methods in industrial settings.

Applications in electronic form with the usual documents (certificates, CV, publication list if applicable, etc.) are to be sent as PDF files to Prof. Dr. Dirk Nowotka (dn@zs.uni-kiel.de).

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